(a) The Mayor shall provide applications for permits for home sales. Such an application shall include the name of the applicant, who shall be a resident of the Village, his address, telephone number and length of residence in the Village, the nature of the merchandise to be offered for sale, the date of the sale and the duration of the sale.
(b) The applicant shall apply for such permit ten days before the date of the sale. The Mayor may issue such permit seven days before such sale.
(c) The application for such a permit shall be submitted by the Mayor to the Police Chief. The Chief may approve the application and shall regulate the hours of such sale as provided in Section 710.05(a).
(d) An applicant for such a permit shall pay to the Commissioner a fee of two dollars ($2.00) for such permit.
(e) Every permittee conducting a home sale shall keep posted in a prominent place upon the licensed premises, the permit certificate and shall exhibit the same upon request.