The Zoning Inspector may upon his own initiative, or shall upon the request of any owner, issue a certificate for any lot, structure, use of land, use of structure, or use of land and structure in combination, that certifies that the lot, structure or use is a valid non-conforming use. The certificate shall specify the reason why the use is a non-conforming use, including a description of the extent and kind of use made of the property in question, the portion of the structure or land used for the non-conforming use, and the extent that dimensional requirements are non-conforming, The purpose of this section is to protect the owners of lands or structures that are or became non-conforming. No fee shall be charged for such a certificate. One (1) copy of the certificate shall be returned to the owner and one (1) copy shall be retained by the Zoning Inspector, who shall maintain as a public record a file of all such certificates.
(Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)