The following plants are representative of those to be utilized in the bufferyard as indicated in the matrix in Section 1189.10.
These trees are hardy in zones 5 - 6, are deciduous and reach a mature height as indicated by the following: Large - 60', Medium - 40', Small - 20'. Other shade trees which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names | European Beech | Norway Maple |
Plant Botanical Name | Fagus sylvatica | Acer Platanoides |
'Columnaire' | ||
'Crimson King' | ||
'Summershade' | ||
Common Plant Names | Ginkgo | Pin Oak |
Plant Botanical Name | Ginkgo biloba (male only) | Quercus Palustris |
Specie Cultivars | 'Autumn Gold' | 'Sovereign' |
'Fastigiata' | 'Crown Rite' | |
'Sentry' | ||
Common Plant Names | Green Ash | Red Maple |
Plant Botanical Name | Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata | Acer rubrum |
Specie Cultivars | 'Marshall Seedless' | 'Autumn Flame' |
'October Glory' | ||
'Red Sunset' | ||
Common Plant Names | Scarlet Oak | Red Oak |
Plant Botanical Name | Quercus coccinea | Quercus rubra |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | London Plane Tree | Tulip Poplar |
Plant Botanical Name | Plantanus x acerifolia | Liriodendron tulipifera |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Sugar Maple | Sweetgum |
Plant Botanical Name | Acer saccharum | Liquidambar styraciflua |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Willow Oak | Elm |
Plant Botanical Name | Quercus phellos | Ulmus parvifolia |
Specie Cultivars | 'Lace Bark Elm' | |
Common Plant Names | Shumardi Oak | Shingle Oak |
Plant Botanical Name | Quercus shumardii | Quercus imbricaria |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Callery Pear | Littleleaf Linden |
Plant Botanical Name | Pyrus calleryana | Tilia cordata |
Specie Cultivars | Aristocrat | 'Chancellor' |
'Chancellor' | 'Greenspire' | |
'June Bride' | ||
Common Plant Names | Japanese Pagoda Tree | Japanese Zelkova |
Plant Botanical Name | Sophora japonica | Zelkova serrata |
Specie Cultivars | 'Regent' | |
Common Plant Names | Thornless Honey Locust | Yellowwood |
Plant Botanical Name | Gleditsia triacanthos | Cladrastis lutea |
Specie Cultivars | 'Moraine' | |
'Shademaster' | ||
'Skyline' | ||
'Imperial' | ||
Common Plant Names | Amur Cork | River Birch |
Plant Botanical Name | Phellondendron amurense | Betula nigra |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Katsura Tree | Hess Ash |
Plant Botanical Name | Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Fraxinus excelsior |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Sourwood | Hedge Maple |
Plant Botanical Name | Oxydendron arboreum | Acer campestre |
Specie Cultivars | 'Queen Elizabeth' | |
Common Plant Names | Amur Maple | Paperbark Maple |
Plant Botanical Name | Acer ginnala | Acer griseum |
Specie Cultivars | 'Flame' | |
Common Plant Names | European Hornbeam | Hornbeam |
Plant Botanical Name | Carpinus betulus | Ostrya virginiana |
Specie Cultivars | 'Upright' | |
These trees are hardy in zones 5 - 6, are deciduous and reach a mature height not exceeding 30 feet. Other flowering trees which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names | Callery Pear | Downy Serviceberry |
Plant Botanical Name | Pyrus calleryana | Amelanchier canadensis |
Specie Cultivars | 'Aristocrat' | |
'Chancellor' | ||
Common Plant Names | Crabapple | Allegheny Serviceberry |
Plant Botanical Name | Malus varieties | Amelanchier laevis |
Specie Cultivars | Bob White | 'Robin Hill' |
'Sargeant' | ||
'Snowdrift' | ||
'White Angel' | ||
Common Plant Names | Eastern Redbud | Sweetbay Magnolia |
Plant Botanical Name | Cercis canadensis | Magnolia virginiana |
Specie Cultivars | 'Flame' | |
'Forest Pansey' | ||
'Royal' | ||
Common Plant Names | Dogwood | Lilac |
Plant Botanical Name | Syringa reticulata | |
Specie Cultivars | 'Cornus florida' | Japanese Silk Lilac |
'Cornus kousa' | 'Ivory Silk Lilac' | |
'Cornus mas' | ||
Common Plant Names | Golden Raintree | Witch Hazel |
Plant Botanical Name | Koelreutaria paniculata | Hamamelis virginiana |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Green Hawthorne | Flowering Ash |
Plant Botanical Name | Crataegus virdis | Fraxinus ornus |
Specie Cultivars | 'Winter King' | |
Common Plant Names | Sargent Cherry | Saucer Magnolia |
Plant Botanical Name | Prunis sargentii | Magnolia soulangiana |
Specie Cultivars | 'Columnaris' | |
'Kwanzan' | ||
Common Plant Names | Star Magnolia | |
Plant Botanical Name | Magnolis stellata | |
Specie Cultivars | ||
These trees that are hardy in zones 5 - 6, are evergreen, can reach a mature height over 30 feet and if not limbed-up, can create a screen from the ground level up. Other evergreen trees which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names | American Holly | Austrian Pine |
Plant Botanical Name | llex opaca | Pinus nigra |
Specie Cultivars | 'Xanthocarpa' | |
Common Plant Names | Canadian Hemlock | Carolina Hemlock |
Plant Botanical Name | Tsuga canadensis | Tsuga caroliniana |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Eastern Red Cedar | Colorado Blue Spruce |
Plant Botanical Name | Juniperus virginiana | Picea pungens |
Specie Cultivars | Glanca | |
Common Plant Names | Norway Spruce | Scotch Pine |
Plant Botanical Name | Picea abies | Pinus sylvestris |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Southern Magnolia | White Fir |
Plant Botanical Name | Magnolia grandiflora | Abies concolor |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | White Pine | |
Plant Botanical Name | Pinus strobus | |
Specie Cultivars | ||
These perennial woody plants grow at least 3 feet in height, are tolerant in zones 5 - 6 and are deciduous. Other deciduous shrubs which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names | Burning Bush | Doublefile Viburnum |
Plant Botanical Name | Euonymus alatus | Viburnum plicatum tomentosum |
Specie Cultivars | 'Compactus' | |
Common Plant Names | Forsythia Species | Quince |
Plant Botanical Name | Chaenomeles speciosa | |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Shrub Cinquefoil | Spirea Species |
Plant Botanical Name | Potentilla fruticosa | |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Spreading Cotoneaster | Winterberry Barberry |
Plant Botanical Name | Berberis julianne | |
Specie Cultivars | Cotoneaster divaricata | |
These perennial woody plants grow at least 3 feet in height, are tolerant in zones 5 -6 and are evergreen. Other evergreen shrubs which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names | Anglojap Yew | Blue Holly |
Plant Botanical Name | Taxus x media | llex x meserveae |
Specie Cultivars | 'Brownii' | 'Blue Angel' |
'Densiformis' | 'Blue Prince' | |
'Hicksii' | 'Blue Princess' | |
'Wardii' | ||
Common Plant Names | Chinese Juniper | Japanese Holly |
Plant Botanical Name | Juniperis chinensis | llex crenata |
Specie Cultivars | 'Hetzil' | 'Microphylla' |
'Keteleeri' | 'Rotundifolia' | |
'Mint Julip' | ||
'Robusia Green' | ||
Common Plant Names | Japanese Yew | Korean Boxwood |
Plant Botanical Name | Taxus cuspidata | Buxus microphylla koreana |
Specie Cultivars | 'Capitata' | |
'Intermedia' | ||
'Nana' | ||
Common Plant Names | Leatherleaf Viburnum | Mugho Pine |
Plant Botanical Name | Viburnum rhytidophyllum | Pinus mugho |
Specie Cultivars | ||
Common Plant Names | Spreading Yew | |
Plant Botanical Name | Taxus x media | |
Specie Cultivars |
(Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)