1189.12 PLANT LISTS.
   The following plants are representative of those to be utilized in the bufferyard as indicated in the matrix in Section 1189.10.
These trees are hardy in zones 5 - 6, are deciduous and reach a mature height as indicated by the following: Large - 60', Medium - 40', Small - 20'. Other shade trees which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names
European Beech
Norway Maple
Plant Botanical Name
Fagus sylvatica
Acer Platanoides
'Crimson King'
Common Plant Names
Pin Oak
Plant Botanical Name
Ginkgo biloba (male only)
Quercus Palustris
Specie Cultivars
'Autumn Gold'
'Crown Rite'
Common Plant Names
Green Ash
Red Maple
Plant Botanical Name
Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata
Acer rubrum
Specie Cultivars   
'Marshall Seedless'   
'Autumn Flame'
'October Glory'
'Red Sunset'
Common Plant Names
Scarlet Oak
Red Oak
Plant Botanical Name
Quercus coccinea   
Quercus rubra
Specie Cultivars   
Common Plant Names
London Plane Tree
Tulip Poplar
Plant Botanical Name
Plantanus x acerifolia
Liriodendron tulipifera
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Sugar Maple
Plant Botanical Name
Acer saccharum   
Liquidambar styraciflua
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Willow Oak
Plant Botanical Name
Quercus phellos
Ulmus parvifolia
Specie Cultivars
'Lace Bark Elm'
Common Plant Names
Shumardi Oak
Shingle Oak
Plant Botanical Name
Quercus shumardii   
Quercus imbricaria
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Callery Pear
Littleleaf Linden
Plant Botanical Name
Pyrus calleryana
Tilia cordata
Specie Cultivars
'June Bride'
Common Plant Names
Japanese Pagoda Tree
Japanese Zelkova
Plant Botanical Name
Sophora japonica
Zelkova serrata
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Thornless Honey Locust
Plant Botanical Name
Gleditsia triacanthos
Cladrastis lutea
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Amur Cork
River Birch
Plant Botanical Name   
Phellondendron amurense
Betula nigra
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Katsura Tree
Hess Ash
Plant Botanical Name
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Fraxinus excelsior
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Hedge Maple
Plant Botanical Name
Oxydendron arboreum
Acer campestre
Specie Cultivars   
'Queen Elizabeth'
Common Plant Names
Amur Maple
Paperbark Maple
Plant Botanical Name
Acer ginnala   
Acer griseum
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
European Hornbeam
Plant Botanical Name
Carpinus betulus
Ostrya virginiana
Specie Cultivars
These trees are hardy in zones 5 - 6, are deciduous and reach a mature height not exceeding 30 feet. Other flowering trees which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names
Callery Pear
Downy Serviceberry
Plant Botanical Name
Pyrus calleryana
Amelanchier canadensis
Specie Cultivars   
Common Plant Names
Allegheny Serviceberry
Plant Botanical Name
Malus varieties   
Amelanchier laevis
Specie Cultivars
Bob White
'Robin Hill'
'White Angel'
Common Plant Names
Eastern Redbud
Sweetbay Magnolia
Plant Botanical Name
Cercis canadensis   
Magnolia virginiana
Specie Cultivars
'Forest Pansey'
Common Plant Names
Plant Botanical Name
Syringa reticulata
Specie Cultivars
'Cornus florida'
Japanese Silk Lilac
'Cornus kousa'
'Ivory Silk Lilac'
'Cornus mas'
Common Plant Names
Golden Raintree
Witch Hazel
Plant Botanical Name
Koelreutaria paniculata
Hamamelis virginiana
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Green Hawthorne
Flowering Ash
Plant Botanical Name
Crataegus virdis   
Fraxinus ornus
Specie Cultivars
'Winter King'
Common Plant Names
Sargent Cherry
Saucer Magnolia
Plant Botanical Name
Prunis sargentii   
Magnolia soulangiana
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Star Magnolia
Plant Botanical Name
Magnolis stellata
Specie Cultivars
These trees that are hardy in zones 5 - 6, are evergreen, can reach a mature height over 30 feet and if not limbed-up, can create a screen from the ground level up. Other evergreen trees which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names
American Holly
Austrian Pine
Plant Botanical Name
llex opaca
Pinus nigra
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Canadian Hemlock
Carolina Hemlock
Plant Botanical Name
Tsuga canadensis
Tsuga caroliniana
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Eastern Red Cedar
Colorado Blue Spruce
Plant Botanical Name
Juniperus virginiana
Picea pungens
Specie Cultivars   
Common Plant Names
Norway Spruce
Scotch Pine
Plant Botanical Name
Picea abies
Pinus sylvestris
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Southern Magnolia
White Fir
Plant Botanical Name
Magnolia grandiflora   
Abies concolor
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
White Pine
Plant Botanical Name
Pinus strobus
Specie Cultivars
These perennial woody plants grow at least 3 feet in height, are tolerant in zones 5 - 6 and are deciduous. Other deciduous shrubs which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names
Burning Bush
Doublefile Viburnum
Plant Botanical Name
Euonymus alatus   
Viburnum plicatum tomentosum
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Forsythia Species
Plant Botanical Name
Chaenomeles speciosa
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Shrub Cinquefoil
Spirea Species
Plant Botanical Name
Potentilla fruticosa
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Spreading Cotoneaster
Winterberry Barberry
Plant Botanical Name
Berberis julianne
Specie Cultivars
Cotoneaster divaricata
These perennial woody plants grow at least 3 feet in height, are tolerant in zones 5 -6 and are evergreen. Other evergreen shrubs which are native and hardy to zone 5-6 of the United States Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map may also be used within the landscaped or bufferyard area.
Common Plant Names
Anglojap Yew
Blue Holly
Plant Botanical Name
Taxus x media
llex x meserveae
Specie Cultivars
'Blue Angel'
'Blue Prince'
'Blue Princess'
Common Plant Names
Chinese Juniper
Japanese Holly
Plant Botanical Name
Juniperis chinensis   
llex crenata
Specie Cultivars   
'Mint Julip'
'Robusia Green'
Common Plant Names
Japanese Yew
Korean Boxwood
Plant Botanical Name
Taxus cuspidata
Buxus microphylla koreana
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Leatherleaf Viburnum
Mugho Pine
Plant Botanical Name
Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Pinus mugho
Specie Cultivars
Common Plant Names
Spreading Yew
Plant Botanical Name
Taxus x media
Specie Cultivars
(Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)