(a)   Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking spaces for any use shall be located on the same parcel as the use they are intended to serve, except where these regulations allow shared parking between uses on different lots pursuant to Section 1187.06.
   (b)   Residential Parking. In any residential use parcel or residential district, no off-street parking area, maneuvering area for parking spaces, or loading area shall be located within any required front yard. This restriction shall not apply to driveways providing access from the street to the parking area located outside of the required front yard, nor is it intended to prohibit parking of vehicles on such drive serving a detached dwelling. Within ten feet (10') of the right-of-way, the maximum width of the driveway shall be twenty-four feet (24') in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Zoning Districts. No residential parking area or garage shall be utilized for more than one (1) commercial vehicle owned or normally operated by a resident of the premises and such vehicle shall not exceed one and one-half (1½) tons capacity.
   (c)   Parking of Inoperable or Abandoned Vehicles.
      (1)   The parking or storage of inoperable or abandoned vehicles is prohibited outdoors in all districts.
      (2)   The location and duration of temporary parking or storage of an unlicensed operable vehicle may be approved by the Zoning Inspector through the issuance of a Temporary Zoning Permit on the basis of the adequacy of the parcel size, condition of the vehicle, visibility from other properties and absence of undue adverse impact on adjacent property or on the area as a whole.
   (d)   Traffic Patterns. All parking garages and lots shall be located and designed to encourage minimal routing of traffic along public rights-of-way contiguous to blocks that contain primary education facilities or recreation sites designed for children or which have over fifty percent (50%) of their frontage developed with single- or two-family dwellings.
(Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)