Standards for permitted accessory uses that are not accessory dwelling units shall be as follows:
(Ord. 23-239. Passed 9-19-23.)
(a) An accessory building may be erected as an integral part of a principal building or it may be connected thereto by a breezeway or other similar structure.
(b) An accessory building or structure may be detached from the principal building. However, no detached accessory building or structure shall be erected in any yard or court except a rear yard and the total of all accessory buildings, structure and uses shall not occupy more than thirty-five percent (35%) of the area of the rear yard.
(c) There shall be no more than two (2) detached accessory buildings on a lot in a Residential Zoning District. Only one (1) of these accessory buildings shall be a garage.
(d) For computing the percentage of occupancy of a rear yard, as required in subsection (b) hereof, if a detached accessory building is connected to the principal building by a breezeway, the ground area of such breezeway shall be considered as a part of the accessory building and be included in the computation.
(e) A detached accessory building shall be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear lot lines.
(f) On a corner lot, any accessory building or part thereof shall be setback a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from the side lot line.
(g) Any accessory building or structure, if not located in the rear yard, shall be an integral part of, or connected with, the principal building to which it is accessory; and shall be so placed as to meet all yard and court requirements for the principal building. (Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)