The final grade of an applicant in a promotional examination shall be determined by adding to the passing score obtained on the competitive examination additional points for:
(Ord. 92-1458. Passed 10-6-92.)
   (a)   Years of full-time continuous service with the City only based upon one percentage (1%) point of the score received on the examination for each full year of the first four years of full-time continuous service, and six-tenths of one percentage (.6%) point of the score received on the examination for each full year of full-time continuous service on the next ten years of service; and
      (Ord. 95-1662. Passed 11-7-95.)
   (b)   Credit for performance based upon determination of the average of each candidate's three most recent performance evaluations and adding one-quarter percent (1/4%) of the score received on the examination for each point above the minimum acceptable performance evaluation score as determined by the Commission, up to a maximum of eight percent (8%). In no case shall the addition of seniority and/or efficiency points be used to achieve a passing score on an examination for promotion.
      (Ord. 92-1458. Passed 10-6-92.)