(a)   Permitted Uses. The permitted uses in a "PD" Planned Development District shall be those uses permitted in the district in which the "PD" District is to be located.
   (b)   Intensity of Uses. The overall density of the "PD" District shall not exceed the overall density permitted in the district regulations in which the "PD" district is located.
   (c)   Planned Development in Multiple Zoning Districts. If a non-residential "PD" District covers more than one (1) zoning district, the density and uses permitted must be separately calculated for each portion of the "PD" District located in a separate zoning district, and then must be combined to determine the density and uses allowable in the entire "PD" District.
   (d)   Submittal Requirements. A development plan shall be submitted consistent with Sections 1169.06 and 1169.07.
   (e)   General Guidelines. In evaluating a proposed Development Plan, the following guidelines shall be used by the Planning Commission.
      (1)   The non-residential "PD" District is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Milford Land Use Plan.
      (2)   The non-residential "PD" District is a unified treatment of the development possibilities on the project site, and the development plan makes provisions for the preservation of streams and stream banks, wooded cover, rough terrain and similar area.
      (3)   Off-street parking and loading areas are provided in accordance with Chapter 1187, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
      (4)   Evidence of sufficient or proposed off-site and on-site services and infrastructure is presented. If the services or infrastructure are not in place, assurances that the improvements will be in place at completion of construction of the project shall be required.
      (5)   All buildings and parking areas within the planned development shall not occupy more than sixty percent (60%) of the planned development area. The remainder of the land shall be preserved as either improved or unimproved open space.
      (6)   Any area that is designated as open space may be conveyed under one of the options listed in Section 1169.03(l) (2).
      (7)   The proposal meets the purpose set for the "PD" Planned Development District as set forth in Section 1169.01, Purpose.
      (8)   The proposal meets all the regulations for "PD" Planned Development Districts as set forth in this Chapter.
      (9)   Screening of intensive uses shall be provided utilizing landscaping, fences or walls to enclose internal areas.
      (10)   Parking and loading areas should be placed in the rear wherever possible.
      (11)   When parking is located in front of the building, landscaping and fencing shall be used to screen the parking areas from the road.
      (12)   Pedestrian and vehicular circulation should be separated as much as possible, though crosswalks, raised curbs or complete grade separation.
      (13)   Special consideration should be made when joint driveways and shared parking areas are utilized.
      (14)   Signs shall be kept to a minimum size and should be surrounded by landscaping.
   (f)   Spacing and Building Height.  
      (1)   The location of all structures shall be as shown on the development plans. The proposed location and arrangement of structures shall not be detrimental to existing or prospective adjacent dwellings or to the existing or prospective development of the neighborhood. All buildings shall be so located to avoid the casting of unbroken shadows on adjoining parcels for longer than one (1) hour per day.
      (2)   District lot areas, frontage and yard requirements may be waived by the Planning Commission provided that the overall density standards provided for in this Chapter are maintained and that the Planning Commission determined that the proposed development complies with the intent of this Chapter.
   (g)   Peripheral Setbacks. If the Planning Commission determines that the topographical or other barriers do not provided sufficient buffer between the non-residential "PD" District and contiguous land uses to avoid hazardous impact upon the economic values of contiguous real estate, the Planning Commission shall impose either or both of the following requirements.
      (1)   Structures and parking area located on the perimeter of the non-residential "PD" District must be set back by a distance sufficient to protect against an adverse impact upon the economic values of contiguous land;
      (2)   Structures located on the perimeter of the non-residential "PD" District must be permanently screened in a manner that is sufficient to protect against adverse impact on the value of contiguous land.
   (h)   Screening. The non-residential "PD" District shall be effectively screened from adjoining existing uses so as to protect their privacy and amenity. The "PD" District shall meet the landscaping and buffering requirements set forth in Chapter 1189, Landscaping and Bufferyard Requirements.
   (i)   Parking and Loading Requirements. The non-residential "PD" District shall meet the parking and loading requirements set forth in Chapter 1187, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. (Ord. 99-1966. Passed 5-4-99.)