(a)   Within ninety days after taking office, each elective officer and each principal appointive officer, board, commission or body having the power of appointment to, or removal from, positions in the City service shall designate up to two position(s) for which exemption from the competitive classified service is claimed under the provisions of Ohio R.C. 124.11(A)(8). If at the expiration of ninety days after taking office, exemptions have not been designated by the appointing authority, board or commission as herein provided, the exemptions theretofore designated and in effect under this provision of law shall be considered the exemptions claimed by such appointing authority and shall be continued in effect.
   The section of exempted positions may be reconsidered by an appointing authority if a reorganization of his agency occurs during his term of office as a result of legislative action.
   (b)   Within ninety days after the adoption of subsection (a) hereof, each elective officer and each principal appointive officer, board or commission may designate or redesignate such personal exemptions under this rule.
   (c)   The Civil Service Commission shall maintain a journal of exempt positions which shall specify all positions designated exempt pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 92-1458. Passed 10-6-92.)