(a) There shall be a minimum of one 20-B:C rated portable fire extinguisher within thirty feet of each asphalt (tar) kettle during the period such kettle is in use, and one additional minimum 20-B:C rated fire extinguisher on the roof being covered. Every kettle shall be equipped with a tight-fitting cover. A kettle when in operation shall be placed a safe distance from any combustible materials or buildings.
(b) No person shall use asphalt (tar) kettles inside any building or on the roof of any building, nor leave any fired asphalt (tar) kettle unattended.
(c) No person shall transport or permit to be transported over any City street any asphalt (tar) kettle beneath which is maintained any open fire, heated coals or ashes.
(Ord. 1055. Passed 5-6-86.)