(a)   Council shall have the power to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Historical and Architectural Protection and Preservation Commission in the enforcement of this chapter.
   (b)   Appeals to Council shall be taken by any person aggrieved. Such appeal shall be taken within thirty days after the ruling has been made by the Commission, by filing with the Commission and with the Clerk of Council a notice of appeal, specifying the grounds for the appeal. The Commission shall make available to Council all papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from is taken.
   (c)   Council shall hold a public hearing on each and every appeal and shall give public notice thereof. The appeal shall be heard at the next regular meeting of Council after the receipt of the notice of appeal.
   (d)   Council shall decide the appeal and give a ruling, which was decided by a majority vote, no later than the next regularly scheduled Council meeting following the hearing of the appeal.
   (e)   In exercising its powers Council may reverse, sustain or modify the decision appealed from. Every appeal granted or denied by Council shall be accompanied by a written finding of fact and specifying the reason for granting or denying the appeal.
(Ord. 489. Passed 9-3-74.)