(a)   Equipment Installation Required. No person shall construct any building hereinafter described without installing at the time of such construction the protective and extinguishing fire equipment hereinafter provided with respect to such building, except to the extent the Chief Building Official and the Fire Chief determine any such requirement would create an undue hardship.
   (b)   Equipment Maintenance Required. No person shall construct, own or occupy any such building without thereafter maintaining in proper operative condition the protective and extinguishing fire equipment hereinafter provided.
   (c)   Computing Gross Floor Area. Building as defined shall be computed as the gross floor area within outside perimeter walls. The exception shall not be given to interior fire walls or fire partitions in computing the gross floor area of a building.
   (d)   Standpipe and Hose System Defined. "Standpipe and hose system" means a wet system of hose outlets having a minimum water flow of 500 gallons per minute for one standpipe plus 250 gallons for each additional standpipe, up to 2500 gallons per minute maximum and located so that all portions of each floor shall be within thirty feet of a nozzle attached to not more than 100 feet of hose.
   (e)   Automatic Sprinkler System Defined. "Automatic sprinkler system" means an integrated system of piping and sprinklers, containing a controlling valve and a device for actuating an alarm clearly audible in all areas of the building when the system is in operation, connected to a suitable water supply, activated by heat from a fire to discharge water over the fire area.
   (f)   One, Two, Three and Four Family Residential and Townhouses.
      (1)   A 110 volt A.C. with battery backup automatic ionization detector warning system approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., the Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official installed in the immediate vicinity but outside of all sleeping rooms, with the alarm signaling devices clearly audible in all bedrooms when all intervening doors are closed.
   (g)   Transient and Nontransient Residential Buildings. Transient and nontransient residential buildings, excluding townhouses and one, two, three and four-family residential buildings, but including hotels, motels, lodging houses, dormitories, apartment houses, rooming houses and accessory sleeping quarters.
      (1)   Apartment houses only, a 110 volt A.C. with battery backup automatic ionization detector warning system approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official installed in the immediate vicinity but outside of all sleeping rooms, with the alarm signaling devices clearly audible in all bedrooms when all intervening doors are closed; and
      (2)   110 volt A.C. with battery backup automatic ionization detection equipment approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official in all hallways, corridors, storage areas, basements, cellars or other areas within the building proper that will sound an alarm audible in all dwelling units and throughout the building proper; and
      (3)   Apartment houses excepted, a 100 volt A.C. with battery backup automatic ionization detection warning system approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official installed in each sleeping room, with alarm signaling devices clearly audible throughout the sleeping unit; and
      (4)   A standpipe and hose system if such building has a total floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
Ionization Detectors, Sprinklers and
      (5)   An automatic sprinkler system if such building:
         A.   Is more than one story high;
         B.   Is over fifty feet high;
         C.   Has a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; or
         D.   Accommodates more than fifty persons.
   (h)   Institutional Buildings. Institutional buildings including hospitals and extended care and rest facilities.
      (1)   A 110 volt A.C. with battery backup automatic ionization detector warning system by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., the Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official installed in all sleeping rooms and throughout the building with alarm signaling devices clearly audible throughout the building; and
      (2)   A manually activated local alarm pull-system clearly audible in all areas of the building in each building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department, with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises; and
      (3)   A standpipe and hose system if such building has a total floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; or accommodates more than fifty person; and
      (4)   A minor accessory building excepted, an automatic sprinkler system throughout, (including basements and/or cellar areas) with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department.
   (i)   Schools and School Assembly Halls.
      (1)   A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible in all areas of the building in each building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four hour central station alarm to summon the Fire Department, with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises; and
      (2)   A standpipe and hose system if such building has a total floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
      (3)   An automatic sprinkler system throughout, (including basement and/or cellar areas) with an appurtenant Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department, except where carbon banks, foam or chemical extinguishing systems or other approved fire extinguishing means are more suitable and approved by the Chief Building Official and Fire Chief.
   (j)   Places of Assembly. Places of assembly, churches, day care centers, museums, theaters, restaurants, night clubs, recreation or amusement buildings, arenas and the like.
      (1)   A manually activated local alarm pull-station clearly audible in all areas of the building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department, with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises; and
      (2)   A standpipe and hose system if such building has a total floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
      (3)   An automatic sprinkler system throughout (including basement and/or cellar areas) if such building:
         A.   Is more than one story high;
         B.   Is over fifty feet high; or,
         C.   Has a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more, except where carbon banks, foam or chemical extinguishing means are more suitable and approved by the Chief Building Official and Fire Chief; and
      (4)   A 110 volt A.C. with battery backup automatic ionization warning system approved by the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., the Factory Mutual System and the Chief Building Official installed in all rooms, halls, corridors, storage areas, basements, cellars, within the building proper that will sound an alarm audible throughout the building proper.
   (k)   Business Buildings, Mercantile Buildings and Office Buildings.
      (1)   A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible in all areas of the building connected by an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual system approved twenty-four hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises, in all buildings:
         A.   More than one story high;
         B.   Having a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; or
         C.   Occupied by fifty or more persons; and
      (2)   A standpipe and hose system if such building has a total floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
      (3)   An automatic sprinkler system throughout (including basement and/or cellar areas) if such building is:
         A.   More than one story high;
         B.   Over fifty feet high; or
         C.   Has a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more.
   (l)   Industrial Buildings and Storage or Warehouse Buildings.
      (1)   A manually activated local alarm pull-station system clearly audible in all areas of the building connected to an Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. and Factory Mutual System approved twenty-four hour central station alarm system to summon the Fire Department, with adequately available manual alarm sending stations on the premises in all buildings:
         A.   More than one story high;
         B.   Has a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; or
         C.   Occupied by fifty or more persons; and
      (2)   Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, a standpipe and hose system if such building has a total floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
      (3)   Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, an automatic sprinkler system throughout (including basement and/or cellar areas) if such building is:
         A.   More than one story high;
         B.   Over fifty feet high; or
         C.   Has a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
      (4)   Where water is inadvisable as a fire extinguishing agent, foam, chemical or other acceptable extinguishing systems in fire hazard areas.
   (m)   Special Occupancy Buildings. Special occupancy buildings and aircraft and motor vehicle sales, service and commercial storage buildings.
      (1)   Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, a standpipe and hose system if such building: has a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
      (2)   Excepting in areas where it is inadvisable to use water as a fire extinguishing agent, an automatic sprinkler system throughout (including basement and/or cellar areas) if such building is:
         A.   More than one story high;
         B.   Over fifty feet high; or
         C.   Has a floor area of 5,000 square feet or more; and
      (3)   Where water is inadvisable as a fire extinguishing agent, foam, chemical or other acceptable extinguishing systems in fire hazard areas; and
      (4)   Standard chemical or foam fire extinguishers in number and locations where the Chief Building Official and Fire Chief deem advisable.
         (Ord. 1053. Passed 4-15-86.)