(a) The developer shall have installed by the respective utility companies, underground distribution facilities, street lighting facilities and underground communication distribution facilities in all new residential subdivisions. In all cases, street lighting facilities shall be included by the developer.
(b) The definition of a developer is that person or organization who submits a subdivision plat or other plat to the Planning Commission and/or Council for their approval.
(c) Underground utilities shall serve the subdivision within or along the right-of-way of existing or proposed public streets, provided that prior to installation of such facilities, the developer pays the utility companies' schedules and/or associated charges and gives written commitment to pay the utility company for the cost of any relocation of such facilities and to provide all easements necessary for relocation and for any extension. The developer shall provide necessary easements to the utility companies at no cost.
(d) All service lines connecting the customer's service within the utility company's underground distribution lines shall be installed underground to connection points on the distribution facilities determined by the utility company. The customer's service line shall be installed by the developer or customer, except for communications service lines. The actual connection to the utility company's facilities shall be made by the utility company. Underground electrical wiring shall be in accordance with applicable codes and specifications of the City.
(e) Installation of pad mounted transformers and communication interconnection cabinets are required and nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the installation of this equipment underground. The use of underground transformers shall not be permitted. Prior to paving any street, the developer shall install, at its own cost, acceptable separate conduit cross- overs for electric and communication facilities at locations specified by the utility company.
(Ord. 89-1211. Passed 1-3-89.)