1109.10 OPEN SPACE.
   (a)   The Planning Commission may require the dedication of land for open space purposes for access, utilities, access of fire fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air and the avoidance of congestion of population, including minimum width and area of lots.
   (b)   The following criteria shall be used to determine open space requirements within a subdivision:
Gross Residential
Density (units per acre)
Maximum Percentage of
Total Land Required
For Open Space
More than 4
4 or less
   Where the Planning Commission deems it appropriate, the subdivider may be required to pay the City's fee in lieu of dedication of open space in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each residential lot or dwelling unit. Sums so received by the City shall be placed in a special fund to be known as the Park Land Purchase and Development Fund and shall be used by Council solely for the purchase and development of lands for parks, or other public purposes if so recommended by the Planning Commission. The Land Purchase Fund may be used for park improvements. The subdivider may pay the sums at the time the final plat is approved or may pay as building permits are secured; no building permit shall be issued for any lot or dwelling unit in a new subdivision until the one hundred dollars ($100.00) has been paid.
(Ord. 90-1312. Passed 5-1-90.)