(a) Arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the transportation element of the Plan which has been officially adopted by Council, and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, public convenience and safety, and appropriate relation to the proposed uses of land to be served by such streets.
(b) The overall street plan for any subdivision shall provide access to the subdivision by a public street(s) connected to the existing road system of the City.
(c) Where not indicated in the Plan, arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall either:
(1) Provide for continuation or appropriate projection of existing roads or streets (constructed or recorded) in surrounding areas; or
(2) Where topography or other conditions make continuance or projection of existing streets unnecessary or impracticable shall conform to a general area plan approved by the Planning Commission.
(d) Local streets in residential neighborhoods shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic shall be discouraged.
(e) Where subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street or other streets carrying heavy traffic, the Planning Commission may require local access streets, reversed frontage with screen planting contained in a nonaccess reservation along the rear property line, deep lots with rear service alleys, or such other treatment, including wider pavement widths, as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential or other properties and separation of local and through traffic.
(f) Where a subdivision borders or contains a railroad or limited access highway right- of-way, the Planning Commission may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way, and at such distance therefrom as required for appropriate use of intervening land, if any, and as determined with due regard for requirements of future approach grades and grade separations.
(g) A subdivision plat involving new or existing streets crossing railroad tracks shall provide adequate right-of-way and slope easements, for construction of an underpass or overpass.
(h) No street intersection shall include more than four street approaches.
(i) Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles, and no street shall intersect another at less than seventy-five degrees, provided, however, that other arrangements for smooth merging of traffic shall be permitted where the total effect on the intersection is to reduce traffic hazards and to provide for smooth traffic flow at the intersection as a whole.
(j) Property lines at the intersection of local streets with each other shall be curved with a minimum radius of fifteen feet. Property lines at the intersection of alleys with any streets shall be curved with a minimum radius of ten feet. Property lines at all other street intersections shall be curved with a minimum radius of twenty feet.
(k) When connecting street lines deflect from each other, they shall be connected by a curve with a radius sufficient to insure a sight distance adequate for visibility and safety, as determined by the City Engineer after consideration of the character of the street and the types and speed of traffic anticipated.
(l) If a portion of a tract is not subdivided, suitable access to street openings for eventual subdivision of the entire tract shall be provided.
(m) Dead-end streets are prohibited except as stubs to adjoining tracts. Where stub streets are provided abutting unsubdivided acreage, temporary easements for turnarounds shall be provided at the boundary line and appropriate arrangements shall be made for those parts of temporary turnarounds outside of street right-of-way to revert to abutting owners at such time as the street shall be extended.
(n) Private streets are prohibited unless approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 90-1312. Passed 5-1-90.)