The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
   (a)   Drafting Standards.
      (1)   Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds.
      (2)   The scale of the final plat shall be one inch equals 100 feet or one inch equals fifty feet or as required by the County for recording.
      (3)   When more than one sheet is required, an index sheet of the same size shall be submitted showing the entire subdivision drawn to scale.
      (4)   Where the plat is a resubdivision of a previously approved plat, dotted lines shall be used to show features or locations to be abandoned and solid lines to show the presently proposed features.
      (5)   The plat shall contain adequate legend so as to clearly indicate which features are existing and which are proposed.
      (6)   The boundary line of the subdivision shall be shown as a solid heavy line.
      (7)   The final plat shall be prepared by a certified land surveyor on a medium and sized in accordance with the requirements of the County for recording.
      (8)   All linear and angular dimensions for locating the boundaries of the subdivisions, lots, streets, alleys, public and private easements shall be expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot. Angular measurements shall be expressed by bearings. All curve data shall be expressed by a curve table on the face of the plat, each curve being tabulated and numbered to correspond with the respective numbered curves shown throughout the plat. Dimensions, both linear and angular, shall be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which shall be checked for closure and must balance and close within one to 10,000.
   (b)   Existing Information.
      (1)   Identifying information.
         A.   Name of the subdivision;
         B.   Name and address of owner of the land being subdivided and name and address of the developer if different from that of the owner;
         C.   Name and address of the engineer or surveyor;
         D.   Date of drawing, north point and scale;
         E.   Location of subdivision by tax map number, City and State; and
         F.   Vicinity map for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided at a scale of not less than 1,000 feet to the inch showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided.
      (2)   Existing conditions.
         A.   Complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided, showing all courses, distances and area, and tie-ins to all adjacent street intersections.
         B.   The location, name and right of way of each street and the locations and width of all other rights of way.
         C.   The location and angles of departure of adjoining property and street right-of-way lines, the names of abutting subdivisions and the names of adjoining property owners of undivided tracts, including deed reference. The abutting subdivisions shall be identified by lot and block numbers, subdivision name, place of record or other proper designations.
         D.   The location, size and ownership of all existing utility easements as defined herein, both within the subdivision and within 100 feet of the subdivision's boundaries.
   (c)   Proposed Layout.
      (1)   Lot layout with lots numbered in numerical order. In tracts continuing more than one block, the blocks shall be lettered in alphabetical order.
      (2)   Area of each lot, parcel, site or other unit shown on the final plat.
      (3)   The names and right-of-way widths of all proposed streets.
      (4)   Sufficient data to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every street, lot and boundary line.
      (5)   Building setback line for each street.
      (6)   Location and dimensions of all parcels proposed to be dedicated or reserved for open space use as defined herein or for other public uses with the purposes indicated thereon.
      (7)   The location, width, and purpose of all easements or rights-of-way and boundaries by bearings and dimensions.
      (8)   The location and description of all markers, monuments, or other evidence found or established to determine the boundaries of the subdivision.
      (9)   Private restrictions, if any, proposed to be included in deeds.
         (Ord. 90-1312. Passed 5-1-90.)