The Planning Commission shall act either to: approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the preliminary plat within thirty days following formal receipt of such plat which is in compliance with Section 1105.04 by the Planning Commission, or within such further time as the applying party may agree to; otherwise such plat is deemed approved. For purposes of these Subdivision Regulations formal receipt shall be upon receipt by the Planning Commission at a scheduled public meeting. Preliminary plat approval shall be effective for a period of one year, and such additional periods as may be specifically approved in writing by the Planning Commission, not to exceed eighteen months.
(a) Approval of the preliminary plat shall be noted by the Chairman of the Planning Commission signing two copies of such plat. One copy is to be returned to the applicant and the second retained in the Planning Commission's files.
(b) If the Planning Commission disapproves the preliminary plat, it shall set forth the reasons for disapproval in its records and provide the applicant with written notification of such reasons.
(c) Conditional approval of a preliminary plat shall state the conditions or modifications necessary to satisfy the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations prior to the submission of the final plat.
(Ord. 90-1312. Passed 5-1-90; Ord. 96-1704. Passed 6-18-96.)