When a utility/garbage bill is not paid a delinquent notice shall be mailed to the property owner, his agent, tenant or other party designated by the property owner as responsible for the payments of the utility/garbage bill and the account shall, thereby, be certified as past due.
   (a)   A delinquent notice shall be issued to the affected party on or near the fifteenth of the odd numbered months and shall contain the total amount due, the late charge fee and any miscellaneous fees, if applicable.
   (b)   In addition to subsection (a) hereof, the delinquent notice shall contain in bold print on the face of the utility/garbage bill the scheduled date for the termination of solid waste service. Should the utility/garbage bill remain unpaid and/or should the affected party refuse or neglect to make acceptable arrangements for the payment of the account.
   (c)   In all cases the property owner shall be ultimately responsible for the payment of utility/garbage service charges regardless of any private agreements with agents or tenants. All late charge fees or other applicable fees that may result from the failure to pay a utility/garbage bill, including establishment of solid waste service fees, shall be paid in full by the property owner.
   (d)   If a delinquent account remains unpaid the City reserves the right, under law, to certify same to the Clermont County Auditor or the Hamilton County Auditor, if applicable, by a certificate signed by the Finance Director. The County Auditor shall then place the amount certified by the signed certificate on the appropriate tax duplicate with interest and penalties allowed by law, including the applicable assessment fee. The same shall be collected as all other taxes and shall be considered as a lien upon the real property served by the solid waste service connection. (Ord. 08-695. Passed 7-22-08.)