929.04 RATES.
   (a)   The Storm Water Utility shall charge to each owner of property located within the municipal corporation limits a storm water charge based on the property’s contribution to run off to the storm water system and the amount of impervious area contained on the property. The rate to be charged for the storm water user fee for an equivalent residential unit (ERU), which includes single-family properties and duplex properties, shall be five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) per month.
   (b)   The rate charged to undeveloped property shall be determined by dividing the total square footage of the property by the square footage of an equivalent residential unit times a correction factor of zero times the rate of an equivalent residential unit.
   (c)   The rates to be charged for non-residential properties (i.e., all other owners other than as provided for in subsections (a) and (b)) shall be the rate established in subsection (a) of five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) multiplied by the number of equivalent residential units. The equivalent residential unit equals the total square footage of impervious area of the property divided by 2,400 square feet (statistical average of residential impervious area based on a random sample of single family properties and duplex properties in the City of Milford).
(Ord. 04-358. Passed 3-16-04.)