As used in this chapter certain terms are defined as follows:
(a) "Residential user" means any user of the treatment plant that is considered a single- family use.
(b) "Commercial user" means any user of the treatment plant that is primarily commercial in nature.
(c) "Industrial user" means any nongovernmental user of the treatment plant identified in the "Standard Industrial Classification Manual", 1972, Office of Management and Budget and Federal regulation 40 CFR 35.905, effective September 27, 1978, et seq.
(d) "Institutional user" means any user of the treatment plant that is institutional in nature including but not limited to: hospitals, schools, nursing homes, etc.
(e) "Debt service rate" means the amount of the user charge attributed to debt service.
(f) "OM&R rate" means the amount of the user charge attributed to OM&R costs.
(Ord. 91-1396. Passed 8-20-91.)