The rules, regulations and procedures for the Tree Removal Reimbursement Program are as follows:
   (a)   The City Manager shall direct the contracted Arborist, City Engineer or his designee to inspect all right of way trees within City limits in order to determine which trees are and eligible for reimbursement by the City.
   (b)   Only trees certified by an arborist as dead, dying, diseased, or a safety hazard, shall be cited for removal. The City may cite a tree removal when it determines that the removal of a tree is necessary for the maintenance and preservation of public sidewalks or public utilities. (Ord. 08-684. Passed 6-3-08.)
   (c)   Each property owner eligible for tree removal reimbursement shall receive a letter from the City Manager or designee explaining their duty to remove the tree as established by Codified Ordinance 911.08. They shall also receive information regarding the permit application and the reimbursement option.
   (d)   The property owner shall be responsible for hiring a contractor and obtaining the necessary permits. Tree removal permit applications are free and available at City Hall.
   (e)   Prior to reimbursement, the City shall provide for an inspection to verify compliance with the applicable City ordinances.
   (f)   Prior to reimbursement, adequate proof must be submitted that the contractor performing the tree removal has been paid in full.
   (g)   Upon receipt of proof of payment, the City shall reimburse the property owner for fifty percent (50%) of the tree removal costs, with a maximum reimbursement of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per tree, per property.
      (Ord. 08-684. Passed 6-3-08.)
   (h)   All removals eligible for reimbursement must be completed on or before December 31st of the current year. (Unless otherwise specified in this ordinance)