(a) Notice to Remove. Whenever any debris, stone or other material is deposited on the street or sidewalk by reason of any slide, collapse, washing away or crumbling of the owner's land or structures, the owner shall remove such debris, stone or other material within a reasonable time after written notification by the City Manager and shall barricade and light such obstruction in the street and sidewalk until complete removal of such debris, stone or other material has been effected.
(b) Service of Notice. The notice required shall be sufficient if given according to any of the following methods:
(1) To the owner personally;
(2) To the owner by mail addressed to him at his last known place of residence;
(3) If the residence of the owner is unknown, the notice may be mailed or delivered personally to any resident agent of the owner or to any tenant or occupant of the premises of the owner; or
(4) If there is no known agent, tenant or occupant of the premises, the notice may be posted on the premises.
(c) Emergency Measures. If, within twenty-four hours after the delivery or mailing of the notice required in subsection (a) hereof, the owner fails to barricade and light the obstruction, the City Manager shall be authorized to furnish the necessary barricade and lights. If, within thirty days after the delivery or mailing of the notice required in subsection (a) hereof, the owner fails to remove such debris, stone or other material from the street and sidewalk, the City Manager shall be authorized to remove the same. In each case, the owner of the premises shall be liable to the City for the expense thereof. In cases of immediate emergency, the City Manager shall be authorized to act without notice and without waiting for the expiration of any notification period.
(Ord. 518. Passed 6-13-75.)