(a)   No person shall encumber any street or sidewalk or, being the owner, occupant or person having care of any building or lot of land bordering on any street or sidewalk, shall permit the same to be encumbered with barrels, boxes, cans, articles, construction materials or substances of any kind, so as to interfere with the free and unobstructed use thereof; except, merchants may display their wares on the sidewalk in front of their place of business. The purpose of a merchant display is to give prominence to certain merchandise for sale and not as a depository for stock. A merchant display shall meet the following conditions:
      (1)   Six feet of sidewalk must be kept clear for the use of pedestrians.
      (2)   All wares must be kept within 36 inches of the storefront.
      (3)   The merchant display shall only be allowed when the store is open for business and shall not remain overnight.
      (4)   No single item for display shall exceed a weight of 150 pounds.
         (Ord. 99-2006. Passed 11-16-99.)
      (5)   Tables and chairs which are not merchandise for sale but are intended for use by customers of food-selling establishments may remain on sidewalks overnight, provided that at least six feet of sidewalk is kept clear for use of pedestrians at all times. (Ord. 02-230. Passed 10-1-02.)
   (b)   No person shall place on any public street or sidewalk such permanent fixtures as: benches, trash receptacles, vending machines or other non-moveable items. After the effective date of this ordinance, no person shall place a vending machine on the street or sidewalk. Vending machines already in place on the sidewalk may remain, so long as they are operable and may not be relocated, added to or enlarged. (Ord. 99-2006. Passed 11-16-99.)