Council may, by reference to the date and source and without reproducing it at length in the ordinance, adopt model or standard codes prepared and published by public or private agencies on such matters as fire prevention, building construction, electrical wiring, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and other similar matters.
   Council may also adopt by reference other documents or instruments which, by their length, would be impractical to reproduce in their entirety in the ordinance including, but not limited to, contracts, temporary and permanent appropriation ordinances, legal descriptions, model ordinances, pay plan scales, personal policies and procedures manuals and any and all ordinances providing for the issuance and sale of notes and bonds and any other documents or instruments which Council determines should be adopted by reference. In all cases in which such codes, documents or instruments are adopted by reference, publication by the Municipality in its entirety shall not be required. However, at least one (1) copy of each such code, document or instrument shall be kept in the office of the Manager for examination by interested persons during regular office hours.
   In all cases involving the incorporation of codes, Council may also provide in the enacting ordinance that any amendments to the incorporated code by the promulgating agency shall also, without further action by Council, be deemed an amendment to the enacting ordinance. Should Council desire to modify, add to, or eliminate from any such code any section or part thereof, such addition, modification or omission shall be clearly stated in the ordinance, together with a cross reference to its location in the code.
(Amended 11-2-99)