At the first regularly scheduled Council meeting in December, the Manager shall submit to Council an appropriation ordinance containing a financial plan for conducting the affairs of the Municipality during the ensuing fiscal year. Council shall specify the form of and information to be contained in the appropriation ordinance.
   Council may provide for a public hearing upon such ordinance and may amend such ordinance at any time. This ordinance shall be passed with a single reading and shall become effective upon its adoption unless otherwise provided therein.
   Council may pass a temporary appropriation ordinance for meeting ordinary expenses of the Municipality but must charge all appropriations therein to the annual appropriation ordinance which will be approved no later than March 31st for the fiscal year concerned.
   Council may pass such supplemental appropriation ordinances as it deems necessary, adjusting appropriations between the various funds. This is subject to the limitation that the total appropriation for any fiscal year cannot exceed total balances carried forward from previous years plus estimated revenue for the current fiscal year.
   Should Council fail to adopt a temporary appropriation ordinance by December 31st, or a permanent appropriation ordinance by March 31st, the Manager's proposed temporary or permanent budget appropriation shall become effective.
(Amended 11-5-91)