The following uses may be permitted by conditional use permit in the “I2” Heavy Industrial District by the Board of Adjustment, subject to such requirements as the Board deems necessary to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare:
   (A)   Acid manufacturing;
   (B)   Automobile wrecking, cars, and automobile parts storage and sales;
   (C)   Cement, lime, gypsum, or plaster of Paris manufactures;
   (D)   Distillation, manufacture, or refining of bones, coal, or tar asphalt;
   (E)   Explosives, manufacture, or storage;
   (F)   Fat, grease, lard, or tallow rendering or refining;
   (G)   Fertilizer manufacture from organic material;
   (H)   Glue or size manufacture;
   (I)   Garbage, offal, or dead animal reduction or dumping;
   (J)   Junk and salvage (such as metal, paper, rags, waste, or glass), storage, treatment, or bailing;
   (K)   Paper manufacturing;
   (L)   Petroleum or asphalt refining;
   (M)   Petroleum products terminal;
   (N)   Smelting of tin, copper, zinc, or iron ores;
   (O)   Storage or processing of raw hides or furs;
   (P)   Stockyards or slaughter of animals; and
   (Q)   Radio and television studios and transmitting and receiving stations and towers.
(Ord. 842, passed 3-14-2022)