(A)   Permit fee for individual water tap. The town shall provide all material for individual metering devices to the meter pit. All multiple-use development, such as apartment, mobile home parks, shopping center and office buildings will have separate meters for each individual unit. The town shall be deemed right of easement to the customer property for the purpose of repair, reading, testing and termination of service. The property owner will maintain the line or lines to the street or meter pit.
Line Size
Tap-in Fee
Line Size
Tap-in Fee
6-inch and above
   (B)   Service reconnect fee. $50.
   (C)   Fire service connection. $2,500 per connection.
   (D)   Permit fee for individual sewer tap.
      (1)   An application for a new sewer service, from any main line of the municipally owned sewer system, shall pay a tap-in fee of $800 for single- family residential and per unit for multi-family. Commercial, non-residential and non-industrial shall pay a tap-in fee in accordance with the following schedule:
Less than 1-inch water line
Less than 2-inch water line
Less than 3-inch water line
Less than 4-inch water line
Greater than 4-inch water line
      (2)   The town is responsible for sewer line repair and replacement from the sewer main to the edge of the street. The property owner is also responsible for maintaining the sewer line (i.e., keeping line clean and in working order from the sewer main to the dwelling). Sewer customers that do not have town water service will pay a deposit of $100.
      (3)   Impact fees for any new sewer line extension will be $1,500 per building lot.
      (4)   All tap-in and impact fees shall be paid to the town prior to obtaining a building permit.
(Ord. 2-11-02-1, passed 2-11-2002; Ord. 7-13-2015-1, passed 9-14-2015)