§ 30.02 ELECTIONS.
   (A)   Beginning with the November 2018 general election, town elections for all offices shall occur during even-numbered general election years when elections for federal, state, and other local offices occur.
   (B)   All Town Council members and the Town Clerk-Treasurer elected to office in the November 2015 election shall serve a term of three years. The Town Council members and Town Clerk-Treasurer shall next stand for election in 2018. The Town Council members and the Town Clerk-Treasurer elected in 2018 shall serve a four- year term and each subsequent Town Council member and Town Clerk-Treasurer elected thereafter shall serve a four-year term as provided by law.
   (C)   The term of office of each town officer begins on January 1 after the election.
   (D)   This section may not be repealed earlier than 12 years after adoption and may only be repealed in a year preceding a municipal election held at the time described in I.C. 3-10-6-5.
(Ord. 2017-03-13-11, passed 4-10-2017)