Wherever, in the opinion of the Mayor, the area of terrain of the subdivision warrants, the owner shall submit a topographic map of the area involved made with material suitable to the Village Engineer at a scale of not smaller than one (1) inch to one-hundred (100) feet, with the following information thereon:
   (a)   Contours at two (2) foot intervals with the elevation above seal level indicated.
   (b)   Location of all fixed objects within and without the boundaries of the proposed subdivision that might influence the design of the street and utility layout and the drainage of storm water.
   (c)   The location of all existing streets and public grounds on or adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
   (d)   The location of all existing water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers.
   (e)   The names of the owners of the adjoining properties.
   (f)   A permanent type benchmark with the elevation above sea level indicated.
   (g)   North arrow, scale, date and name of the subdivision.
   (h)   The proposed street and drainage layout of the subdivision.
(Ord. 871-6-91. Passed 6-25-91.)