(a)   Informal Consultation. Prior to the preparation of the preliminary plan of a subdivision, the subdivider or his agent may consult informally with the Village Administrator or the County Planning Department to familiarize himself with the Subdivision Regulations.
   (b)   Preliminary Plan Required. The subdivider shall submit a preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision which shall conform to all requirements established by these regulations. The preliminary plan shall not serve as a record plat; its purpose shall be to display the proposal in its proper context and thus, enable the commission to determine its merit based upon aspects of proper planning and the public welfare and interest.
   (c)   Filing of Preliminary Plan. Ten (10) copies of the preliminary plan and supplementary material specified shall be submitted to the County Director of Planning and Development with the completed application forms. The application shall include the preliminary plan, the preliminary plan questionnaire and the application form from preliminary approval. The County Director of Planning and Development shall notify the subdivider of any additional data required and action may be delayed until said data is received. A fee shall be required for the filing of the preliminary plan.
   (d)   Review and Recommendations Regarding Preliminary Plan.
      (1)   The Director of Planning and Development shall forward copies of the preliminary plan to the Mayor, Village Administrator, the chairman of the Village Planning Commission and to the appropriate county agencies and other such officials and agencies as may be necessary and prepare a report detailing the comments of the above noted agencies. The report shall be forwarded to the Village Planning Commission prior to the review of the preliminary plan. The subdivider, or his agent may be required to meet with certain agencies to discuss pertinent problems. All corrections or clarifications agreed upon during such meetings shall be incorporated either in the preliminary plan drawing or in subsequent plans as approved by the Commission.      
      (2)   After receipt of reports from such officials and agencies, the Village Planning Commission at its regular meeting, shall determine whether the preliminary plan shall be approved, conditionally approved, or disapproved. The subdivider shall be notified in writing of the action of the Commission. If a plan is disapproved, the reasons for such disapproval shall be stated in writing. Furthermore, any form of approval of a preliminary plan shall be contingent upon compliance with all other applicable resolutions and regulations of the Village.
   (e)   Preliminary Plan Form. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on one or more sheets not less than 22 inches by 32 inches in size.
   (f)   Preliminary Plan Contents. The preliminary plan shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Proposed name of the subdivision which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the Village.
      (2)   Location by section (or great lot or tract), township, range, county and state.
      (3)    Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner(s); subdivider(s); and the surveyor(s) who prepared the plan and appropriate registration numbers and seals.
      (4)   Date of survey, scale of plat, north point.
      (5)   A vicinity map at a preferred scale of 1”=400’ or smaller shall be provided which indicates the relationship of the subdivision to its surroundings. This map shall display all existing subdivisions, roads, tract lines and the nearest existing thoroughfares.
      (6)   Boundaries of the subdivision; amount of acreage in lots, streets, open spaces, etc. and the total acreage.
      (7)   Names of adjacent subdivisions, owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land and the location of all survey monuments and boundary lines of said contiguous properties.
      (8)   Locations, widths, centerlines and names of all existing and/or platted streets, public or private; railroad and utility rights-of-way, easements, parks, permanent buildings and corporation and township lines; location of wooded areas and other significant topographic and natural features within and adjacent to the plan.
      (9)   Zoning classification of the tract and adjoining properties and a description of proposed zoning changes, if any.
      (10)   Existing contours at an interval of:
         A.   Two (2) feet where average slopes exceed five (5) percent but do not exceed fifteen (15) percent;
         B.   Five (5) feet where average slopes exceed fifteen (15) percent.
      (11)   Location of existing sewers, drainage tile, water mains, culverts, or other underground utilities within the tract or adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes, depth and grade indicated; also location of existing and proposed easements.
      (12)   Location, names and dimensions of existing and other proposed streets; alleys; crosswalks; and other easements. Names shall not duplicate any existing street name in the Village.
      (13)   All building setback lines with dimensions shown graphically along all streets.
      (14)   Location and dimensions of all proposed utility and sewer lines (including easements), showing their connections with existing systems.
      (15)   If no central water and/or sewage system exists, the subdivider shall state the type of system he proposes to use. A proposal of on-lot sewage disposal shall require the submission of all soil types and their locations as indicated by the Erie County soil survey to ensure approval of for the solid conditions encountered in the area of the proposed subdivision. A central sewage treatment plant and/or central water system shall be constructed when deemed necessary by the commission and the County Board of Health. The connection to available central facilities (as determined by the Commission and the County Board of Health) shall be mandatory.
      (16)   Soils information including soil types, location and engineering properties relate to intended uses should be identified on the plat for existing soils or proposed fill source. In addition, soil capabilities and limitations for the intended land use shall appear. This information can be obtained at no charge from the Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District.
      (17)   Layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of each lot.
      (18)   Parcels of land in acres to be reserved for public use or to be reserved by covenant for residents of the subdivision.
      (19)   High water levels in vicinities of lakes, rivers and other natural bodies of water.
      (20)   Certificate of preliminary approval by the Commission shall be located on the plat.
      (21)   Completion of the checklist available from the Commission will assist the subdivider in meeting the preliminary plat information requirements.
   (g)   Supplementary Information. The following information shall also be provided:
      (1)   Statement of proposed use of lots, giving type and number of dwelling units and type of business or industry.
      (2)   Location and approximate dimensions of all existing buildings.
      (3)   For commercial and industrial development, the locations, dimensions and approximate grade of proposed parking and loading areas; alleys; pedestrian walkways; streets; and the points of vehicular ingress and egress to the development.
      (4)   Description of proposed covenants and restrictions.
   (h)   Submission to State Highway Director. Before any plan is approved affecting any land within three hundred (300) feet of the centerline of a proposed new highway or a highway for which changes are proposed as desired in the certification to local officials by the State Highway Director of any land within a radius of five hundred (500) feet from the point of intersection of said centerline with any public road or highway, the Commission shall give notice by registered or certified mail to the Highway Director. The Commission shall not approve the plan for one hundred twenty (120) days from the date the notice is received by the Highway Director. If the Highway Director notifies the Commission that he shall proceed to acquire the land needed, the Commission shall refuse to approve the plat. If the Highway Director notifies the Commission that acquisition at this time is not the public interest or upon the expiration of the one hundred twenty (120) day period or any extension thereof agreed upon by the Highway Director and the property owner, the Commission shall, if the plan is in conformance with all provisions of these regulations, approve the plan.
(Ord. 871-6-91. Passed 6-25-91.)