(a)    Residential Districts.
      (1)   One (1) nameplate indicating the occupants name, house number, and home profession or occupation not exceeding 3 square feet.
      (2)   Real estate signs or temporary contractor/construction signs limited to one per street frontage, and not to exceed six square foot per sign.
      (3)   One (1) subdivision development sign per entrance to subdivision. Sign can be located at the entrance to subdivision only, and cannot exceed thirty-two square feet.
      (4)   One sign not exceeding 25 square feet may be located on the premise of a public, charitable or religious institution.
      (5)   A single-family residential subdivision or multiple-family residential complex may be permitted one monument sign per entrance not to exceed thirty-two square feet per sign.
      (6)   Any freestanding sign permitted in a residential zoning district shall not exceed eight and one half feet in over all height (monument style).
      (7)   If a legal nonconforming business use exists, and the business changes, the face of the sign may be replaced, so long as the location of the signage is not changed nor the size of the signage increased.
   (b)    Business and Industrial Districts.
      (1)   Wall signage per building wall facing a public right-of-way based on the following chart:
Speed Limit on Street
Mass Factor
25 mph
35 mph, single lane
35 mph, multi-lane or 45 mph single lane
45 mph, multi-line or single lane greater than 45 mph
         A.   For shopping centers, planned industrial parks or other multiple occupancy nonresidential buildings, the building face or wall shall be calculated separately for each separate occupancy to determine the allowed signage.
      (2)   One (1) freestanding or projecting sign to be determined based on the following chart:
Speed Limit on Street
Mass Factor
25 mph
35 mph, single lane
35 mph, multi-lane or 45 mph single lane
45 mph, multi-line or single lane greater than 45 mph
         A.   For shopping centers, planned industrial parks or other multiple occupancy nonresidential buildings, or multiple building structures, to calculate the allowable size of a freestanding sign, the mass factor shall be multiplied by the aggregate building frontage.
         B.   No freestanding sign shall exceed 215 square feet on a single side per sign, in a business or commercial district.
         C.   Regardless of the number of businesses or structures on a single parcel, one pylon sign shall be permitted if the lot frontage is less than 500 feet. If the lot frontage is 500 feet or more, two pylon signs shall be permitted provided the signs are at least 250 feet apart. (Ord. 317-10-03. Passed 10-14-03.)