Persons seeking site plan review and approval shall submit to the Village Zoning Inspector a completed application for site plan approval, on a form approved by the Planning Commission; a filing fee in accordance with the Village's schedule of fees; and ten (10) copies of a site plan, drawn to a scale of not more than one inch equals fifty (50) feet nor less than one inch equals twenty (20) feet, which shall be clearly printed and legibly reproduced on durable material. The suggested size of the sheet shall be twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches. The site plan drawing shall contain the following information:
   (a)   Mandatory Site Plan Elements.
      (1)   Name and address of owner and applicant.
      (2)   Scale and north arrow.
      (3)   Dimensions and acreage of parcel to be built upon. For any site, the Planning Commission reserves the right to require that the site plan contain a boundary survey made and certified by a licensed surveyor. Such a requirement shall be based on factors such as the proximity of the development to neighboring properties and any recent divisions of the property.
      (4)   The size, shape, location and ground floor elevation of all existing and proposed buildings and other structures on the site including present and proposed use thereof.
      (5)   Location and dimensions of proposed off-street parking and loading facilities, and points of ingress and egress of vehicles to and from the site to the public street.
      (6)   Location and dimensions of existing and proposed pedestrian walkways.
      (7)   Location, intensity, type, size and direction of all new outdoor lighting.
      (8)   Location and size of signs and all permanent outdoor fixtures.
      (9)   Flood plain boundaries, if applicable.
   (b)   Additional Site Plan Elements. In addition to the information required above, the Planning Commission may, depending upon the complexity of the application, site constraints, and potential neighborhood impacts, require the following additional information:
      (1)   Natural contours at intervals of two (2) feet and final contours at intervals of not more than two (2) feet, when factors such as erosion and sedimentation control, drainage and buffering are a concern.
      (2)   The size, shape, location and ground floor elevation of buildings on abutting properties, when a potential negative impact to such buildings exists.
      (3)   Location of all existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way. Location and dimensions of existing and proposed utilities including sanitary sewers, water and electricity. The Planning Commission may require that invert elevations be shown for all gravity utility systems, if such information is necessary to determine the adequacy of such systems to serve the proposed development or to otherwise judge the impact of the proposed development on such systems. If the site is not to be served by a public sewer, the applicant shall show evidence that the Erie County Health Department has approved the proposed location and design of his or her septic system.
      (4)   Location of existing natural drainage ways and inverts of culverts, pipes, etc. when a potential negative impact on such drainage systems may be caused by the development.
      (5)   Location and type of existing and proposed fencing, hedges and trees of twelve (12) inch caliper and which measure over four and a half (4-1/2) feet above ground when buffering neighboring properties is a concern.
      (6)   In cases when construction or operation may adversely affect such things as light, noise, and safety, the applicant may be required to provide expert testimony.
         (Ord. 270-09-02. Passed 9-10-02.)