The following are permitted uses in the "I" Industrial District.
   (a)   The manufacture, compounding, processing, packing or treatment of such products as candy, cosmetics, wood products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceutical, toiletries and food products except the rendering or refining of fats or oils.
   (b)   Warehousing and wholesaling.
   (c)   Grain elevators.
   (d)   Research laboratories and offices.
   (e)   Utility substations.
   (f)   Railroad facilities.
   (g)   Contractors yards and storage facilities provided, however, that all equipment tools and facilities shall be neatly arranged or stored or kept within a suitable building.
   (h)   Manufacture of clothing, leather goods, and athletic equipment.
   (i)   Metal processing such as fabrication, stamping extrusion, welding, finishing, polishing and assembly of small products, such as:
      (1)   Cameras, clocks, jewelry, cutlery and kitchen utensils.
      (2)   Electrical equipment such as lighting fixtures, irons, fans, toasters and toys.
      (3)   Electrical equipment such as home radio and television, movie equipment, small electrical supplies and electrical components.
      (4)   Hand tools, dies, engineering, medical and musical instruments and similar small steel products.
   (j)   Plastic or rubber molding and extrusion.
   (k)   Soft drink processing plants.
   (l)   Other similar uses as determined by the Planning Commission.
      (Ord. 270-09-02. Passed 9-10-02.)