The following are permitted uses in the C-l Central Business District:
   (a)   Food sales including supermarkets.
   (b)   Barber and beauty shops.
   (c)   Dry cleaning and laundry establishments.
   (d)   Drug stores.
   (e)   Hardware sales.
   (f)   Variety stores.
   (g)   Clothing and apparel stores.
   (h)   Shoe repair shops.
   (i)   Florist shops.
   (j)   Eating and drinking establishments.
   (k)   Appliance stores.
   (l)   Furniture stores; antique stores.
   (m)   Jewelry and gift stores.
   (n)   Department stores.
   (o)   Shoe sales.
   (p)   Banks, savings or loan businesses.
   (q)   Sales and distribution offices.
   (r)   Offices professional and service.
   (s)   Newspaper, printing, graphic reproduction services.
   (t)   Hotel.
   (u)   Similar main uses as determined by the Planning Commission.
   (v)   Upper floor (second floor and higher) dwelling units.
      (Ord. 270-09-02. Passed 9-10-02.)