All applications for a zoning amendment shall include:
   (a)    Evidence that the existing zoning ordinance is unreasonable with respect to the particular property, and it deprives the property owner of this lawful and reasonable use of the land; and/or
   (b)    Evidence that the proposed amendment would materialize in an equal or better zoning ordinance than that existing.
   (c)    For the purposes of this Zoning Ordinance, a limitation upon the financial gain from the land in question shall not constitute unreasonable zoning.
   (d)    Any application for an amendment to this Zoning Ordinance shall include a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00).
This fee shall not apply to any amendment introduced by the Planning Commission or Council.
Whenever an amendment is made to the text of the Zoning Ordinance, the appropriate definitions pertinent to such amendment shall be included in Chapter 1121 .
      (Ord. 261-11-66. Passed 10-11-66; Ord. 976-10-94. Passed 10-11-94.)
   (e)   The applicant for any amendment to this Ordinance, which involves the rezoning of ten (10) or fewer parcels of land as shown on the Auditor's tax duplicate shall submit, along with the application, the names and addresses as shown on the Auditor's tax duplicate of all property owners contiguous to and directly across the street from the parcel or parcels proposed to be rezoned.
      (Ord. 270-09-02. Passed 9-10-02.)