(a)   Council may from time to time amend by ordinance the zoning district of any parcel of land or the text of the zoning regulations. No amendment shall be effective unless it shall first be submitted to the Village Planning Commission for its review and recommendation. The Planning Commission shall have not less than thirty (30) nor more than forty-five (45) days to recommend to Council the approval, approval with some modification or denial of the proposed change. No amendment, which differs from the recommendation of the Planning Commission, may be adopted unless approved by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the membership of the legislative authority. An amendment in accordance with the Planning Commission's recommendation shall become effective if approved by a majority of the members of the legislative authority.
   (b)   Council shall hold a public hearing on all proposed amendments to the map or text of the zoning regulations. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing. In addition, if the amendment proposes to rezone ten (10) or fewer parcels of land as shown on the County Auditor's tax duplicate, written notice of the hearing shall be mailed by the Clerk by first class mail to the owners of property within, contiguous to and directly across the street from such parcel or parcels at the addresses of such owners appearing on the County Auditor's current tax list. The failure of delivery of such notice shall not invalidate the amending ordinance.
   (c)   During the thirty (30) day period prior to the public hearing, the text of the proposed amendment together with such maps or plans and the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be on file with the Clerk for public inspection.
(Ord. 270-09-02. Passed 9-10-02.)