Within one hundred twenty (120) days after receiving a complete application, the Village Administrator shall issue a written determination granting or denying the application in whole or in part, applying the following standards:
    (a)    The financial and technical ability of the applicant;
    (b)    The legal ability of the applicant;
    (c)    The capacity of the public ways and existing conduits and ducts to accommodate the applicant's proposed facilities;
    (d)    The capacity of the public ways to accommodate additional facilities after installation of the applicant's facilities;
    (e)    The potential costs, damage and disruption to public or private facilities, improvements, service, travel and landscaping in the areas within and adjacent to the public ways;
    (f)    The public interest in minimizing the cost and disruption of construction within the public way;
    (g)    The effect on public health, safety, and welfare;
    (h)    The availability of alternate routes and/or locations for the proposed facilities;
   (i)    Applicable local, federal and State laws, regulations and policies.
   If the application is denied in whole or in part, the written determination shall include the reasons for such denial.
(Ord. 106-01-99. Passed 1-26-99.)