(A)   Lot area requirements shall be specified under each zoning district.
   (B)   In addition, the following regulations shall be complied with:
      (1)   No use shall be established or hereinafter maintained on a lot recorded after the effective date of this chapter which is less in area or width than prescribed hereinafter for that use in the zoning district in which it is to be located.
      (2)   In the appropriate residential districts on a lot of record on the effective date of this chapter, a single family dwelling may be established provided the lot is at least 75% of the required size. Requests for building on conforming lots shall be accompanied by a site plan showing the adjacent lot lines and water and sewer systems in relationship to the proposed water-sewer systems. Development should only be allowed when it can be demonstrated that no pollution or health hazards will result.
      (3)   No building shall be converted so as to conflict with, or further conflict with, the lot size requirements of the district in which the building is located.
      (4)   In areas not served by public water and sewer disposal systems, soil tests may be required to insure the sanitary function of private on-site systems. If tests indicate that the soils are not adequate, the size of the lot area will be increased in lot area until the size is deemed adequate.
      (5)   Except in the case of planned unit developments as provided for herein, not more than one principal building shall be located on a lot.
      (6)   Single family homes may be excluded from lot area and setback requirements provided a conditional use permit is issued under the terms of the planned unit development provisions of this chapter. Density zoning shall be interpreted to mean the permission of reduced lot area standards under conditions whereby the number of structures or units permitted is not greater than permitted by the application of the regular provisions of the district, but with all land excluded from the lot area requirements added onto public open space (park, playground, school site, walkway, or other approved open green space).
      (7)   Public rights-of-way are not a part of the buildable lot area and, therefore, shall not be included as part of the minimum lot area required. Required yards in the districts specified shall be subject to the additional requirements as given in § 156.056.
(Ord. 134/94, passed 3-24-94)