(A)   Sewage treatment. Any premises intended for human occupancy must be provided with an adequate method of sewage treatment. Publicly owned sewer systems must be used where available. Where public systems are not available, all private sewage treatment systems must meet or exceed applicable rules of the State Department of Health; the State Pollution Control Agency, specifically Minn. Rules, Chapter 7080, as may be amended from time to time, for individual sewage treatment systems; provisions regarding on-site sewage treatment systems in § 154.035 of this code; and any other applicable local government standards.
   (B)   Nonconforming sewage treatment systems. A nonconforming sewage treatment system not meeting the requirements of division (A) above must be upgraded, at a minimum, whenever a permit or variance of any type is required for any improvement on, or use of, the property. For the purposes of this division, a sewage treatment system shall not be considered nonconforming if the only deficiency is the sewage treatment system’s improper setback from the ordinary high water level. The governing body of the city must by formal resolution notify the Commissioner of its program to identify and upgrade nonconforming sewage treatment systems.
(Ord. 324, passed 11-16-00)