Open Burning Regulations
   93.01   Definitions
   93.02   Open burning restrictions
   93.03   Open burning by permit
   93.04   Burning by permit; restrictions
   93.05   Permit authority
   93.06   Permit denial
   93.07   Permit revocation
   93.08   Liability
   93.09   Conflicting laws
   93.10   Violation
Uniform Fire Code
   93.30   Adoption of Uniform Fire Code
   93.31   Establishment and duties of Bureau of Fire Prevention
   93.32   Definitions
   93.33   Establishment of limits of districts in which storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited
   93.34   Establishment of limits in which storage of liquefied petroleum gases is prohibited
   93.35   Establishment of limits of districts in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is to be prohibited
   93.36   Establishment of limits of districts in which the storage of compressed natural gas is to be prohibited
   93.37   Establishment of limits of districts in which the storage of stationary tanks of flammable cryogenic fluids are to be prohibited
   93.38   Establishment of limits of districts in which the storage of hazardous materials is to be prohibited to limited
   93.39   Appeals
   93.40   New materials, processes or occupancies which may required permits
   93.41   Penalties
   93.42   Repeal of conflicting ordinances
   93.43   Validity
State Fire Code
   93.50   Fire Code adopted
   93.51   Open flame
   93.52   Fire Department lock boxes and building entry keys
   93.53   Title
   93.54   Penalty
   Fees, Charges, and Rates, see Ch. 34