   (A)   The city through the Superintendent or his or her designee, to ensure compliance with this chapter, and as permitted through 40 C.F.R. Subchapter N, §§ 401 through 471 and 401 KAR 5:055, § 9 may take the following enforcement steps against users in noncompliance with this chapter. The remedies available to the Superintendent include injunctive relief, civil and criminal penalties, immediate discontinuance of discharges and/or water service and the publishing of the list of significant violators annually. The enforcement authority shall be vested in the Superintendent of the POTW or his or her designee.
   (B)   All violations of requirements of this chapter must be reviewed and responded to by the Superintendent or his or her representative. In general, the Superintendent shall notify the industrial user when a violation occurs. For all violations, the Superintendent shall receive an explanation and, as appropriate, a plan from the industrial user to correct the violation within a specific time period. If the violation(s) persist or the explanation and/or plan are not adequate, the Superintendent's response shall be more formal and commitments or schedules, as appropriate, for compliance will be established in an enforceable document. The enforcement response selected will be related to the seriousness of the violation. Enforcement responses will be escalated if compliance is not achieved expeditiously after the initial action. A significant violation will require a formal enforcement action. The full scale of enforcement actions will be detailed in the city's pretreatment program enforcement response plan.
(1997 Code, § 628.1) (Ord. 91-05, passed 9-2-1991)