The police chief, or his designee, shall have the authority to make a determination that an animal is a dangerous animal, as defined in section 6-2-7 of this chapter, and to order the owner to comply with any of the measures set forth below for the protection of public health, safety and welfare:
   (A)   Upon receipt of a complaint or other report of an animal bite, attack, threatening behavior or other reason to believe an animal may be a dangerous animal, the seriousness of the complaint or report shall be evaluated and, if circumstances warrant, an investigation of the facts conducted. The investigation may include interviewing the complainant, the victim, if any, the animal's owner, and any witnesses, and observation of the animal and the scene. The individual conducting the investigation shall make a written finding of whether an animal is a dangerous animal as defined in section 6-2-7 of this chapter and of the basis for the finding. In addition, if during the investigation evidence of inhumane treatment of any animal in violation of section 6-2-13 of this chapter, a written finding of the specific violation will be made and forwarded to the police chief. For purposes of this section, a police report may constitute an investigation and may include a finding of dangerousness. Based upon said report, the police chief or his designee shall declare in writing whether the animal is a dangerous animal.
   (B)   Where an animal is declared to be a dangerous animal and the animal has caused severe injury to any person, then the police chief or his designee may order the humane destruction of the animal, where appropriate, taking into consideration the severity and circumstances of injury. Where an animal is declared to be a dangerous animal, and the animal has caused death to any person, then the police chief or his designee shall order the humane destruction of the animal.
   (C)   In all cases where an animal is declared to be a dangerous animal and the animal is not humanely destroyed, the owner shall comply with the following requirements:
      1.   While on the owner's property, the owner must securely confine or, while off the owner's property, muzzle the dangerous animal as required in section 6-2-7 of this chapter.
      2.   The owner must display, in a conspicuous manner, a sign on the owner's premises warning that a dangerous animal is on the premises by stating in capital letters at least four inches (4") in height, "WARNING-DANGEROUS ANIMAL-KEEP AWAY". The sign must be visible and legible from the public way and from fifty feet (50') away from the special enclosure required in section 6-2-7 of this chapter.
      3.   Within ten (10) days of the declaration the animal is a dangerous animal, the owner must procure and maintain liability insurance, including coverage of claims arising from the conduct of the owner's animal, in an amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), providing coverage for any injury, damage or loss caused by the dangerous animal.
      4.   The owner must confine the dangerous animal to the secure enclosure outlined in section 6-2-7 of this chapter.
      5.   If any of the terms of this chapter are not complied with, the police chief or his designee may order that the dangerous animal be permanently barred from the village and the animal license revoked. (Ord. 1563, 1-22-2003)