(A)   The city understands that social networking and internet services have become a common form of communication in the workplace and among citizens. Employees that choose to participate in social media as a city employee should adhere to the following guidelines:
      (1)   City policies, rules, regulations, and standards of conduct apply to employees that engage in social networking activities while conducting city business. Use of your city email address and communicating in your official capacity will constitute conducting city business.
      (2)   City employees shall notify their supervisor and the City Commission if they intend to create a social media account or service to conduct city business.
      (3)   Departments have the option of allowing employees to participate in existing social media sites as part of their job duties. Department directors or supervisor may allow, or disallow, employee participation in any social media activities in their departments.
      (4)   The protection of employee privacy, and the privacy of citizens, by following all privacy protection laws (e.g., HIPAA) and the protection of sensitive and confidential city information.
      (5)   Employees shall follow all copyright laws, public records laws, retention laws, fair use, financial disclosure laws, and any other laws that might apply to the city or the employee’s department.
      (6)   Employees shall not cite vendors, suppliers, clients, citizens, coworkers, or other stakeholders without their approval.
      (7)   Employees shall make it clear that they are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of the city. If an employee publishes content on any website outside of the city, and it has something to do with the work the employee does or is on a subject associated with the city, the employee must use a disclaimer such as: “The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent the City of Middletown's positions or opinions.”
      (8)   An employee shall not use ethnic slurs, profanity, personal insults, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable in the city's workplace. Comments or topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory shall be avoided.
      (9)   If an employee identifies himself or herself as a city employee, the employee must ensure that their profile and related content is consistent with how they wish to present themself to colleagues, citizens, and stakeholders.
      (10)   Any comments, or opposing views, must be framed in a positive manner. The employee must add value to the city through interaction by providing worthwhile information and perspective.
   (B)   Guidelines for participating in social media by police officers are contained within the Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)