(A)   Outside employment is defined as any paid employment performed by an employee in addition to employment with the city.
   (B)   Any employee desiring to perform outside employment shall first obtain written approval on the Outside Employment Request Form for Employees Other Than Police Officers (HR Form Seventeen), from the department director, subject to the approval of the City Commission. Approval may be granted, provided that such employment does not:
      (1)   Interfere with the performance of the employee's duties;
      (2)   Involve a conflict of interest or conflict with the employee's duties;
      (3)   Involve the performance of duties which the employee should perform as a part of employment with the city; or
      (4)   Occur during the employee's regular or assigned working hours unless the employee is on vacation leave, compensatory leave, personal leave or leave without pay. Employees on any form of sick leave, which includes workers' compensation leave, may not work outside employment pursuant to division (D) below.
   (C)   The employee shall make arrangements with the outside employer to be relieved of duties in the event the employee is called for emergency service by the city.
   (D)   An employee who is approved for sick leave, including workers' compensation leave, or who is approved for limited duty, is prohibited from engaging in secondary employment. Employees who engage in other employment or are self-employed while on authorized leave of absence or light duty will be terminated unless written authorization has been granted prior to commencement of the leave of absence. The above limitations specifically do not apply to an employee's use of vacation leave, compensatory leave, personal leave or absences resulting from a temporary reduction in force.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)