(A)   As representatives of the city during work hours, it is important for employees to present a professional impression to citizens, vendors, coworkers, and others. Clothing should be neat, clean, in good taste, and should not constitute a safety hazard. Employees are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and appearance during work hours and when representing the city outside of normal work hours.
   (B)   The minimum standard of dress for city office employees is “business casual,” although there are occasions or situations, such as meetings, that require “business professional” attire. From time to time, these standards may be relaxed by management to allow employees to wear more casual clothing. Examples of such times include cleanup days, severely inclement weather, or when more casual clothing may be appropriate for the work to be done.
   (C)   For all employees, professional appearance also means that the city expects employees to maintain good hygiene and grooming while working. Facial hair is permitted if it is neat and well-trimmed. Rings through the nose, eyebrow, tongue, or body parts (other than the earlobe) visible to the public may not be worn while working. All tattoos shall not be offensive in nature. “Offensive” shall generally mean anything of a sexual nature or anything that impugns another's race, creed, religion, color, or sexual preference.
   (D)   An employee may be granted an exception to this policy by their department director, supervisor, or the Mayor for certain medical conditions or for a sincerely held religious belief or other grounds protected by federal, state or local laws. Reasonable accommodation will be granted unless it causes undue hardship on the city.
   (E)   An employee wearing inappropriate attire will be required to leave work to change into appropriate attire. An employee will not be compensated for the time they are away from work to change into appropriate attire, and must use vacation time, personal time or comp time for the time spent away from work.
   (F)   An employee with questions regarding this policy should direct their inquiries to the City Clerk.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)