(A)   The city prioritizes a safe working environment for its employees and the public. For the employee's protection, job-related injuries, accidents, or illnesses must be immediately reported in accordance with the city safety and accident policy.
   (B)   Each department will consider the need for adopting safety practices, policies, or procedures warranted by the hazards that department employees encounter. Department directors and supervisors are encouraged to involve employees in this process.
   (C)   A copy of such practices, policies, or procedures will be delivered and explained in detail. Each department employee shall then sign a receipt, which will be placed in the individual employee's personnel file, stating that they have read and understand these practices, policies, or procedures. Department directors and supervisors shall also explain to their employees that a violation of these safety practices, policies, or procedures could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including, termination of employment.
   (D)   Every employee must be safety-conscious and responsible for helping the city achieve the goal of providing a safe workplace.
   (E)   Employees shall immediately report any unsafe or hazardous condition to their department director, supervisor, or any supervisor that they feel comfortable reporting.
   (F)   Supervisors shall immediately report any unsafe or hazardous condition that has been reported to them or that the supervisor is aware of to the City Commission.
   (G)   Any employee or supervisor who does not report unsafe or hazardous conditions is subject to disciplinary action.
   (H)   Employees are expected to use common sense and good judgment in their work habits and to follow safe work practices. Department directors and supervisors shall ensure that safe work practices are utilized. Examples of safe work practices are as follows:
      (1)   Using the proper safety equipment when performing a work assignment.
      (2)   Not operating equipment or machinery while using prescribed medication without a doctor's written approval.
      (3)   Under no circumstances should an employee operate any type of machinery or equipment while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
      (4)   Operating only equipment or machinery for which training, or orientation, has been received.
      (5)   Warning coworkers of unsafe conditions or practices.
      (6)   Following all safety and operating rules posted on equipment and machinery.
      (7)   Refraining from horseplay at all times.
      (8)   Wearing safety belts when operating city-owned vehicles or private vehicles when on city business.
      (9)   All employees are responsible for maintaining current knowledge of periodic rule/regulation changes made by the issuing state and federal safety agencies following OSHA rules and guidelines.
   (I)   Periodic training will be arranged when appropriate in the judgment of the department director. Employees will be required to participate in all required safety-training programs offered by the city.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)