(A)   The city seeks to encourage employees to change problem behavior rather than focusing on punitive measures as a solution. In some instances, these efforts may fail or be an unsuitable response to an offense. In these instances, city supervisors may use the following disciplinary procedures, depending on the severity or frequency of the offense or problem behavior. Supervisors may use any of these disciplinary methods at any time. This list does not require a progressive disciplinary methodology to be used by supervisors:
      (1)   Verbal warning, reprimand/coaching, or counseling by a department director or supervisor.
      (2)   Written reprimand/counseling by a department director or supervisor.
      (3)   Final warning.
      (4)   Suspension with, or without, pay.
      (5)   Demotion and/or reduction in pay.
      (6)   Termination of employment.
   (B)   The department director or supervisor shall notify the City Clerk to initiate use of the disciplinary procedures in divisions (A)(4), (A)(5) or (A)(6) above of this section. The City Clerk shall be responsible for informing and involving the City Commission and legal staff when this occurs and the final determination on imposing these disciplinary procedures must be made by the Commission as a body.
   (C)   Department directors and supervisors using the disciplinary procedures outlined in divisions (A)(1), (A)(2) and (A)(3) of this section shall:
      (1)   Document any disciplinary session or conference conducted for the purposes of correcting behaviors that are in violation of the policies contained in this chapter or are conducted with the intent to correct reoccurring issues related to employee performance on the Disciplinary Form (HR Form Fifteen); and
      (2)   Provide a copy of any written documentation related to the use of disciplinary procedures to the City Clerk for placement in the employee's personnel file.
   (D)   For police officers, any general personnel matter will be handled as stated above; however, any external complaint filed against a police officer or any violation of law enforcement procedures, will require the city to follow the process outlined in KRS 15.520, once the officer has completed the introductory period.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)