(A)   The city's policies are applied and enforced by the City Commission and supervisory employees, which include department directors and managers. The city expects supervisory staff to foster a working environment where employees take the primary role in their own professional growth and development. Supervisory employees should provide continuous feedback to their employees regarding performance and should immediately address any potential infractions of these policies with employees.
   (B)   To ensure fairness and consistency in all personnel matters, the city has designated the Mayor as the personnel officer to be responsible for general oversight of the city's administrative staff. The Public Works Director will serve as the personnel officer responsible for general oversight of all public works employees. The Chief of Police will serve as the personnel officer for all police staff. As is more fully discussed in §§ 37.040 through 37.046, any job action taken because of a violation of the city's personnel system will require any and all final actions to be made by the City Commission as a body.
   (C)   Notification to the City Commission and compliance with the procedures established by the city are required prior to a department supervisory employee or other employee conducting any interview for potential employment or internship, making any offer of employment or internship, or making any modifications to the compensation or benefits of employees. No supervisory employee or other employee will alter, suspend, or fail to enforce or adhere to the policies contained in this chapter.
(Ord. 5-11-2023-A, passed 6-8-2023)