(A)   One special event sign shall be permitted for institutional uses with a permit from the appropriate Building Department for a period not to exceed 30 days within a calendar year. The expiration date of the permit shall be affixed to the sign at all times when the sign is within public view. A copy of the permit shall be located on the property and shall be made available for review upon request.
   (B)   The special event sign shall not exceed 32 square feet of surface area per face and there shall be no more than two faces. The sign shall not extend more than six feet above the ground on which it is placed.
   (C)   The special event sign shall advertise only the activity lawfully practiced on site, related special events including fund raising activities, or religious, charitable or other noncommercial messages.
   (D)   Special event signs may not be illuminated, or contain any electrical component unless UL approved and unless connected to a ground fault interrupter. All illuminated temporary freestanding business signs shall be non-flashing and any illumination shall be constant in intensity and color. All components of a small freestanding sign shall be non-moving and stationary.
   (E)   No special event sign shall be allowed within the public right-of-way or public easement.
   (F)   No special event sign shall be constructed and placed so as to interfere with vehicular traffic by obstructing sight lines for streets, pedestrian right-of-way and driveways.
   (G)   Any Code Enforcement Officer or peace officer who finds a special event sign so placed on private property that the sign as located causes an obstruction to pedestrian or vehicular traffic or restricts the vision of drivers of vehicles on abutting streets or on the subject property may cause the sign to be removed to a safe location on the subject property. Any Code Enforcement Officer or peace officer may remove any sign located on the public right-of-way and dispose of same.
   (H)   All special event signs shall be kept in good repair and in a proper state of preservation.
   (I)   Every special event sign and the premises immediately surrounding the sign shall be maintained by the owner or person in charge thereof in a clean, sanitary and inoffensive condition, and free and clear of all obnoxious substances, rubbish and weeds.
   (J)   Small special event signs not to exceed four square feet in area each shall be allowed without a permit. These signs shall not include any electrical or mechanical components and shall be removed from the property within three days after the completion of the advertised event.
(Ord. 06-08, passed 4-6-2006)