It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or other entity to use or detonate any
display fireworks within the City of Middletown except as follows.
   (A)   Pyrotechnic devices and distress signals for marine, aviation and highway use in emergency situations.
   (B)   Blank cartridges used in a show or theater or for use as a signal or ceremonial purpose in athletics or sports.
   (C)   Pyrotechnic devices authorized for use under the supervision of a military organization.
   (D)   Pyrotechnic devices for use in training by fire service, law enforcement, or similar governmental agencies.
   (E)   Fireworks for agricultural purposes under the direct supervision of the United States Department of the Interior or any equivalent agency.
   (F)   Supervised public displays of fireworks by municipalities or other organizations conducted by a competent display operator to be approved by the Middletown Fire Chief and who shall have the qualifications and meet the requirements set out in Chapter 227 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes and further provided that organizations other than the city shall be required to pay a permit fee of $250 which may be waived in the sole discretion of the city. The applicant must apply for the permit not less than 15 days prior to the event. Permits shall be obtained from Inspection, Permits and Licenses (IPL) a division of the Louisville Metro Codes and Regulations Department.
(Ord. 07-11, passed 12-8-2011)