(A)   All items to be placed on the agenda for a regular Commission meeting shall be placed on the agenda by the Mayor, the respective City Commissioners or the City Clerk upon authorization by the Mayor or a City Commissioner, not later than noon on the Monday next preceding the regular Commission meeting.
   (B)   The City Clerk shall prepare a written agenda for the meeting and shall cause it to be delivered to the Mayor, each City Commissioner and the Attorney for the city no later than noon on the Tuesday next preceding a regular Commission meeting, or may place same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to those individuals so as to be picked up by the post office on the Monday next prior to the meeting.
   (C)   At the time the agenda is mailed or delivered to the City Commission, it shall become a public record and shall be posted at a conspicuous location at or in City Hall.
   (D)   After the closing time for the agenda, no item shall be added thereto unless done so at the meeting by a vote of the majority of the members of the City Commission voting on the question of whether or not to add the item to the agenda.
   (E)   Any item placed on the agenda shall be sufficiently specific to reasonably inform the City Commission and the public of the nature thereof.
   (F)   No zoning case be placed on the agenda for a regular meeting unless it reasonably appears to the City Clerk that the Mayor and each Commissioner have had in their possession, for not less than seven days prior to the meeting, a copy of the recommendations of the Louisville and Jefferson County Planning Commission and that a copy of the proposed development plan, if any, is on file with the city for a like period of time.
   (G)   Unless received by the City Commissioners an earlier date, the minutes of all previous meetings to be approved at the next scheduled meeting shall be attached to the agenda.
(Mun. Order 89-05, passed 5-4-1989)